Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Saturday is the day we will be leaving on our long awaited journey to Homer, Alaska. We are taking the bikes, with our friends Alan & Kathy Kunzman. This trip of at least 10,000 miles round trip actually began about a year ago, in the living room of our house in Deer Park, WI with an off the wall comment, let's take the bikes up to Alaska to visit our youngest son Cory Reynolds & Mel Reynolds and the grandbabies! Who knew what that little sentence started. The entire year has been spent saying "I wish it was July already", and now that it is just a few days away we are all saying "Oh man there is not enough time to get everything done".

Since we agreed to undertake this adventure, Keith Reynolds & I have moved into an RV full time, and now we travel around with the song that were singing. Though we live on the road, this Alaska journey is right now more of an adventure than our everyday life. The sights we will see I hope will be awe inspiring, majestic and also the everyday normal. I love traveling on a motorcycle, since the good, the bad and the ugly are all in your face no matter what. I want to know that I am alive, that the world is alive and out there waiting to be explored, and that the journey is still awaiting us everyday.

So stay tuned for notes from the road. I will do my best to keep posting my blog. But as you know the internet is not always available out there in the wild, so bear with me. And keep your fingers crossed we don't meet any bears! I hope your everyday is an adventure for you, and if it isn't do something about it!!!