Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting Started

Well here I am starting a blog, not really having any idea how this is done, so bear with me. It's odd how I got to this point in my life, so here's a little history. Since I was a child I have always wanted to travel and see the country, but never could figure out just how to make it possible. I hatched many schemes and plans for accomplishing this over my life, but all these dream bubbles popped without ever bearing fruit. The past year and half for me me has not been a very happy time. My health has been up and down, with quite a few major surgeries and illnesses. This all seemed to come to a head this past December when after a minor procedure to try to fix a chronic stomach problem I have, I suffered from a complication which caused me to become sepsis, with the end result of lung and organ failure and being placed on life support. When I awoke towards the end of December my husband Keith did a wonderful thing. After welcoming me back, he said let's do it, we'll sell everything and hit the road.

It is quite odd waking up from that suspended world. Everything is so fogged, you don't know what is a dream, and what is in fact real. Wanting to wake up is not enough, you need something tangible to grasp onto. He gave me a great goal to work towards, which is exactly what I needed. I have never been so weak in my life, who knew that being on life support for ten days would suck up all the muscle and strength, and mental strength you have spent your entire life building? Trying to recreate all that went on why you were sleeping helps some, but there is still this odd feeling of just drifting. I am not sure I will ever be able to put those days out of my mind, but I did survive them, and everyday that passes helps me conquer the feeling of utter helplessness that was there when I awoke. Which of course leads to where we are now.

Now it is the beginning of February, and our goal is to be done selling everything off by March 1st, and heading southwest for the remainder of the winter, and then whatever lies beyond. We bought our new road buggy (well new to us at least), which is a 1993 Holiday Rambler. It is everything I wanted. Keith removed the kitchen dining area, and installed my workbench, and is working on modifying the rest of the area so I can work, and we can also live happily in the space provided. Seeing my workbench in there has really brought all this home to me, it is actually going to happen, I can't wait!

And so I wonder who will read this. Many of my friends have asked me to blog so they can keep up with our adventures. I hope it is interesting enough that people don't fall asleep while reading this, if they do in fact read it! I'll try to stay up to date with our journeys, and make it interesting for you.

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